Two Nobel laureates, both of them early mentors to WQC's Director Wensheng Vincent Liu, sent him a Christmas greeting from Austin, TX.
Steven Weinberg was Liu's thesis advisor at the University of Texas at Austin, where Liu got his Ph.D. in 1999. At that time, his thesis "Applications of effective field theory to condensed matter" won UT's prize for "Best Dissertation in Physics."
Later, Liu was a post-doctoral researcher at MIT, where Frank Wilczek became his supervisor, and soon his friend.
So it was with great pleasure that Wilczek and Weinberg, meeting again in 2014, sent a special Christmas greeting to WQC Director Vincent Liu.
WQC Director Wensheng (Vincent) Liu was born in China's Hunan Province. He attended Jilin University, where he received his B.S. in physics, and then went on to receive his M.S. in Physics from Beijing Normal University, before traveling to the US for his Ph.D.
On October 17, 2014, at the Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), during WQC opening ceremonies, ZJUT President Zhang Libin formally inducted Vincent Liu as WQC's very first official director. Liu, Xiong, and others continue to work together closely to bring this new enterprise to the first rank of physics in China.
MIT Professor Frank Wilczek (2004 Nobel Prize in Physics) and University of Texas Professor Steven Weinberg (1979 Nobel Prize in Physics) sent a friendly hello to WQC Director Wensheng Vincent Liu, when they met in Austin, TX in 2014.
ZJUT President Zhang Libin inducts University of Pittsburgh Professor Vincent Liu as the first Director of ZJUT's new Wilczek Quantum Center (WQC.)